
"Larsen is a master of ingenious improvisation." Francesca Horsley, Listener

“In the end it is Larsen’s amazing risk-taking as a performer that really propels this work towards something different”  Sam Trubridge, theatreview


“We need more of this wackiness to challenge and refresh our take on humanity. Episodic, random, at once dry and gleeful”  Deirdre Tarrant, theatreview

"a very cool piece of dance theatre…" Listener
"movements that twist and spurt through the space to reveal a unique choreographic mind.” Lynne Pringle, theatreview

"He's one of the few improvising dancers who can really pull it off." Phil Dadson, The Aucklander

“The unexpected directional and level shifts and a dynamic that veers between staccato and smooth create a constant element of spontaneity” Evening Post

“This work is conceptually, visually and cerebrally a choreographic success”  City Voice

“Larsen as a dancer uses his physical stature beautifully” Mark Amery DANZ Magazine

“This haunting dance is far from disposable and I expect to remember it for a very long time” Dominion

“…had the audience laughing in sorrowful acknowledgment and moves into a physical poignancy no less real.” Dominion

“…containing the elements of edgy aggression – tempered by an elegance of style and subverted by the humour in the words” Evening Post 

… the exceptional Kristian Larsen from Throw Disposable Choreography in Wellington. Larsen’s interrogation of line and form was at once humorous and brilliant, replete with meta-dance commentary with tongue firmly in cheek." Aaron Hawkins